Pioneer Selection: Website Engagement

Pioneer selection always had an interest in how conversational automation could be used in their recruitment life cycle. As a leading customer for Bullhorn’s Herefish solution, they have globally led the way to delivering truely ground-breaking automations.

Having looked at the market, they landed on using elay to engage with their audience given the products, simplicity and ease of customisation.


Drive instant ROI

We focus on helping you have more conversations. Our Chatbots seamlessly integrate with your CRM database and engages.


Increase in Website Conversion


More leads Added to Your CRM


Less Mistakes in Data Uploads


More Qualified Conversations

Pioneer Selection

As Technical and Engineering Recruitment specialists, Pioneer Selection operates in various engineering sectors across the World. They provide both permanent and contract Technical & Engineering Recruitment solutions.

Pioneer Selection Challenge

For Pioneer Selection, one of the main areas of engagement is their website engagement.

Pioneer selection wanted to increase engagement on their website. Having looked at various chatbot solutions, they felt that elay had a the level of personalisation that they wanted, without the complexity of other vendors.

How elay helped Pioneer Selection

In their search for a partner, they came across elay. When they discovered elay, they were immediately intrigued by the level of features and simplicity in which the platform could be set up and managed.

By Adopting elay, they soon found themselves with hundreds more engagements every single week by simply having a more proactive approach to engaging with their website audience.

Results of a successful partnership

By employing a new engagement portal on their website, Pioneer Selection succeed to increase its website engagement by more than 38% and also increased their candidate lead input onto Bullhorn by 19%.

Using elay, Pioneer Selection have been able to engage with 20K+ more candidates until now and they have been able to automate and capture all of this information in their Bullhorn.


elay is simple to use and great value for money - we've looked at lots of chatbot solutions, but this is the best one!

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